Friday 17 February 2012

TI Mobile(Tactical Intervention)

Counter-Terrorists operations in urban central!

1. Modern war in terror! Invasion of terrorist base.
Realism added by using familiar locations such as Shopping malls, underground bunkers and office buildings where terrorists are hiding.

Feel the sensation of speed ? Be alert and hide behind cover to avoid the terrorists attack!
Push forward and make haste move to take the terrorists down before their attack.

2. Mighty armed terrorists
Fight against terrorists who will use all that they can find against you. This includes using different weapons such as machine guns, RPGs and sniper rifles. While also defending themselves with tactical shields, grenades and even holding hostages.

3. K9 counter terrorism units, an unprecedented feature in Mobile shooting game

You are not alone! You can send your dog to attack terrorists and to retrieve dropped items. You will win the battle by enhancing power with support of your dog.

Grab it free from Itunes